Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm a blogger now!

This was way easier than I thought it would be to set up! Why didn't I do this sooner? I'm finally ready to overcome some of my fears of technology. I'm in St. George on a week long vacation from work with Dan and the kids. I sorted through all our digital picture files and deleted all the duplicate and crummy pictures. I have all our pictures sorted by events and years all on a portable hard drive. What an amazing feeling, if we had a fire, I would still have our pictures. Because now that I'm getting into this, I'm going to buy a second portable hard drive and make a copy to put in a safe deposit box at a bank. Or maybe, I could just get a fire safe box to keep in my house. Now I'm going to work on getting all our legal documents scanned into the hard drive. And I could learn how to make those DVDs with the pictures that are set to music. The possibilities are so exciting and I'm thinking I just might drive Dan crazy.